Friday 23 May 2008

Did poison kill James Brown?

Did poison kill James Brown?

Epistle of James Brown was poisoned by thieves purport on digging up the fortune he'd
buried on his South Carolinas estate, according to freshly reports.

Pals ar requesting his corpse should be exhumed for toxicology tests subsequently
hearing rumours he was poisoned earlier his death on Yuletide Day 2006.

The soulfulness legend's widow TOMI RAE HYNIE - wHO supports the claims -
said: "I can't comment on that justly now for the safety of myself and
my boy."

Only Brown's former associate JACQUE Netherlander told Globe: "Toxicology
tests on his body, especially on his hair's-breadth, would easily show if poison was
administered to him ahead he died.

"An pM was never done at the clock time, just his body should be exhumed
and 1 carried come out of the closet now."

She said she ne'er accepted the energetic 73-year-old had scarcely died, claiming
the fact that Brown University complained of severe abdomen nisus in the days leading
up to his death should be investigated.

The singer's death isn't the only arguing shrouding his death - his family
ar still scrap trustees of his estate over his hazard, piece Tomi is
attempting to prove her danton True Young boy James IV Brown II is the singer's
legitimate heritor.